By using www.CoffeeService.am Website, Website content, all types of services provided by the Website, you agree to all definitions, clauses, provisions and conditions of the Website’s “Regulations” (“Terms and Conditions”, “Privacy Policy”). Please read the “Regulations” of the Website completely and carefully. If you do not agree with any definition, clause, provision or condition of the “Regulations” of the Website, we advise you not to use the www.CoffeeService.am Website.





  • The entire text contained in this document is and will be hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”.
  • Each section in this Agreement titled and underlined in capital letters accompanied by the entry “CHAPTER” shall be deemed and hereinafter referred to as a “Chapter” in this Agreement.
  • Each separately titled section in each Chapter of this Agreement accompanied by the entry “SECTION” shall be deemed and hereinafter referred to as a “Section” of this Agreement.
  • Each sub-section each Section of this Agreement shall be deemed and hereinafter referred to as a “Paragraph” in this Agreement.
  • The www.CoffeeService.am website is and will be referred to as the “Website” in this Agreement.
  • Any interaction with the Website, including but not limited to: visiting the Website, making purchases from the Website, creating and using a personal page, is and will be referred to as a “Transaction” in this Agreement.
  • Each individual (natural person), organization (legal entity), representative of an organization, another website, platform or application, who or which performs any Transaction with the Website, is and will be referred to as a “User” in this Agreement.
  • Any type of tangible or intangible service provided by the Website to Users, including but not limited to: software, cyber security, information provision, telecommunications, product delivery, are considered and will be referred to as “Services Provided by the Website”, “Provided” Services” or “Services” in this Agreement.
  • The tangible goods presented on the Website, sold electronically and non-electronically on the Website and by the Website are and will be referred to as “Products” in this Agreement.
  • Each User who makes any purchase from the Website through electronic or non-electronic commerce is and will be referred to as the “Buyer” in this Agreement.
  • Any information provided by the User to the Site and/or mechanically (automatically) obtained by the Site from the User is and will be referred to as “Personal Data” or “Data” in this Agreement.
  • Any type of information located on the Website and provided by the Website, including but not limited to textual, graphic, video and audio content, is considered and will be referred to as “Content”, “Content” or “Information” in this Agreement.
  • The “Privacy Policy” and “Terms and Conditions” posted on the Website combined are forming and are integral parts of the “Website Rules”.



  • The website www.CoffeeService.am , the activities of the website, all the content of the website, including this Agreement, are prepared and implemented in accordance with the “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights” of the RA, comply with all its provisions and requirements, are subject to its power and are protected by its power.
  • The website www.CoffeeService.am , the activities of the website, all the content of the website, including this Agreement, are prepared and implemented in accordance with the RA “Law on Intellectual Property and Related Rights”, comply with all its provisions and requirements, are subject to its power and protected by its power.



  • This Agreement consists of six (6) Chapters, which include seventeen (17) Sections, which include seventy-six (76) Paragraphs.
  • This Agreement is the current and effective version of the Agreement (Version: 03, Revision: 02, updated as of: 21 April 2023) and is marked “Version 03, Revision 02” at the bottom of the document.
  • Each new or revised version of this Agreement must contain the month/date of the last modification at the bottom of the document.
  • The current version of this Agreement supersedes all previous versions of the Agreement by summarizing their applicable provisions in the current and current version of the Agreement.
  • Each new version or edition of this Agreement shall be notified by the Website to the Users when using the Website and when the Website collects the User’s Personal Data.
  • The Site Rules (“Terms and Conditions” and “Privacy Policy”) shall be located separately and prominently on the main “Menu” of the Site all the times.
  • The Site Rules (“Terms and Conditions” and “Privacy Policy”) operate on the “Clickwrap” principle.




  • The Website undertakes to provide its Users with the most reliable information about “Coffee”, which is the main subject of the Website’s activity, both on the CoffeeService.am Website and on various social networking platforms on the pages belonging to the Website (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am). am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am).
  • The creators of the website have done and are doing everything possible to ensure that all the information contained in the content of the website and about the products presented on the website are as reliable as possible, but they do not rule out that the information presented on the website and related social network platforms on the pages belonging to the website may be differ from each other and reality due to mechanical errors and unreliability of Information sources, for which the Website, Website representatives, Website creators and the Website owner are not responsible and apologize to the Users.



  • The Website undertakes to answer its Users’ possible questions related to the Website’s activity and regarding “Coffee”, which is the main subject of the Website’s activity.
  • The Website undertakes to answer the questions of its Users within 1 day (24 hours) at the latest, except for cases of force majeure, for which the Website, Website creators, Website representatives and the Website owner are not responsible and apologize to the Users.
  • The Website is responsible to its Users for the observance and fulfillment of all the provisions specified by the Website in this Agreement and in the “Privacy Policy” which is an integral part of the Website Rules.
  • The Website reserves the right to refuse the provision of any Service to any User who does not observe or violates the terms and conditions of the Website Rules, including but not limited to not selling any Products presented by the Website.



  • The website www.CoffeeService.am undertakes to implement all the software features available to the website to ensure the information security of the users in the cyber domain of the website in accordance with all the provisions mentioned in the “Privacy Policy” (see: “PRIVACY POLICY”).
  • The site www.CoffeeService.am uses the “SSL” (Secure Sockets Layer) cyber security protocol to ensure the information security of the Site and Users.
  • On the website www.CoffeeService.am and on various social networking platforms, pages belonging to the Website (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am) may be presented external links to the Content of other Websites, through which Users can be transferred to the cyber domain of the above-mentioned Websites.
  • www.CoffeeService.am Website, Website creators, Website representatives and Website owner cannot technically ensure and guarantee the cyber security of Users in cyber domains of other Websites and are not responsible for possible cyber risks of Users in cyber domains of other Websites.




  • On the website www.CoffeeService.am , as well as on various social networking platforms on the pages belonging to the Website (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am) on a permanent basis All textual Content posted and/or periodically updated and changed, the software solutions of the Website, as well as the artistic solutions and branding components of the Website, including but not limited to, the domain name of the Website, the Website logo, corporate style, graphic and color solutions are the exclusive intellectual property of www.CoffeeService.am Website.
  • All graphic images posted on the www.CoffeeService.amwebsite, on various social networking platforms on the pages belonging to the website (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am) and photos that do not belong to the www.CoffeeService.am Website are obtained and used with the permission of the Author or Authors in accordance with the principles and conditions of the relevant Intellectual Property Laws.
  • All types of tangible and intangible assets resulting from the operation of the website belong exclusively to the www.CoffeeService.am Website and are its property.
  • www.CoffeeService.am The logo (logo) of the Site is a cup of coffee drawed with contour lines, taken in a frame, in the upper and lower parts of which the words “COFFEE” and “SERVICE” are written in a circle, respectively.
  • All Intellectual Property belonging to the www.CoffeeService.am website is protected by the “Intellectual Property and Related Rights Law” of the Republic of Armenia, the “Copyright Law of the United States” and the “Digital Millennium Copyright Act” of the United States (DMCA))” by law.
  • The Website permises Users for personal purposes free of charge and without preferential conditions or exclusive rights, freely and without reciprocal obligations to the Website to use the Intellectual Property of the Website by reading, distributing, reproducing and making references to them.
  • The use of graphic images and photos that are not the property of the Website without the direct permission of the Authors or their Legal Owners is not encouraged and strictly prohibited by the Website.
  • Other than www.CoffeeService.am it is not allowed to use any graphic images and photos that are not the property of the Website by any Third Party other than the Website, without the direct permission of the Authors or their Legal Owners, and for all possible consequences arising from it, the Website, the Website creators, the Website representatives and the Site Owner do not bear any responsibility.



  • The www.CoffeeService.am Website can maintain one-way communication with the Users subscribed to the Website news by sending them notifications by e-mail, in the form of mobile sms messages and/or in the form of appropriate messages and automated notifications on social networking platforms.
  • The www.CoffeeService.am website can communicate with Users in two-way communication, using one or more of the possible and available ways of communication: Phone, Email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, Google Business.
  • The www.CoffeeService.am Website may send Buyers printed materials related to the Website’s activities, including but not limited to special offers.



  • www.CoffeeService.am The website has the right to monitor the activity of the Users in the cyber domain of the Website, based on the safety of the Website and other Users of the Website.
  • The website www.CoffeeService.am has the right to record and analyze the activity history of the users in the cyber domain of the website, in order to improve the quality of the services provided by the website and the level of cyber security of the users.
  • www.CoffeeService.am The website has the right to limit the User’s activity in the cyber domain of the Website in case of suspicious or dangerous activity of the User.




  • The User can subscribe to www.CoffeeService.am website news and receive notifications about the latest news, special offers, invitations, Product samples, etc. if they are available.
  • The User can subscribe to the pages belonging to the Website on various social network platforms (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am) and get informed about the latest news of the Website.



  • If necessary, the User can contact the Site or the Site’s representatives, using the following ways of communication:

Phone, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram (+374 91 263333 or +374 91 COFFEE),

Email ([email protected]),

Messenger (CoffeePlus.am),

Google Business (www.CoffeeService.am):

  • Questions, complaints and suggestions of interest to the User can be sent to the www.CoffeeService.am Website by filling out the appropriate electronic form in the “Contact-Us” section of the Website.
  • The user can leave messages and comments on the activities of the website on various social networking platforms (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am) belonging to the website regarding the Content as well as the Products.




  • When using the www.CoffeeService.am website, in particular, when filling in the relevant “fields” provided for Personal Data on the website, the Users are obligated to submit to the website only reliable and relevant data.



  • When using the www.CoffeeService.am website, as well as pages belonging to the website on various social networking platforms (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am), in particular, after visiting the Website and pages belonging to the Website on social networking platforms, when distributing the Content presented by the Website, writing comments on the Content, sending an e-mail or message to the Website, communicating with the Website representative by phone or any other means of communication, and during other similar activities, the User is obliged to maintain appropriate communication ethics, maintain a respectful attitude towards the Website, the “property” belonging to the Website, the staff maintaining the Website and refrain from any inappropriate behavior.
  • Inappropriate behavior of any nature regarding the Website, Website creators, Website maintenance staff, Website representatives, Website owner or the Content of pages belonging to the Website in various social networks is qualified as a violation of communication censorship and is subject to appropriate response.
  • The site reserves the right to eliminate informational traces left by inappropriate censorship, to delete comments, as well as, if necessary, to apply to the RA Law Enforcement or other relevant Legal Body.



  • The User is obliged to refrain from hacking attempts on the Website or pages belonging to the Website on various social networking platforms.
  • The User is obliged to refrain from acting under a false name or under another User’s name on the pages belonging to the Website on various social network platforms.
  • The User is obliged to refrain from plagiarism of the Content belonging to the Website and posted on the Website or on various social network platforms, including but not limited to, changing the Content without the consent of the Website Owner, distributing the modified version and attributing it to him.
  • The User does not have the right to perform any unauthorized activity that will damage or disrupt the normal and natural operation of the Website and prevent other Users from using the Website or pages belonging to the Website on various social networking platforms.
  • The Website does not allow Users to use the Website’s Intellectual Property in any way for commercial purposes, except with the written consent of the Website Owner.
  • Intentional activity of any nature by the user towards the Website, Website creators, Website maintenance staff, Website representatives, Website Owner, Website activities or pages belonging to the Website on various social networking platforms, which may in any way interfere, damage or disrupt the website’s operation, qualifies as harassment and is subject to appropriate response.
  • In the case of non-observance of communication censorship and/or intentional harassment, the Website may limit or suspend the activity of the suspicious User in the cyber domain of the Website and stop providing him with any kind of Services without providing explanations or comments.
  • In the case of non-observance of communication censorship and/or intentional harassment, the Website may contact the RA Police and/or other Legal Authority by providing the Personal Data of the suspicious User and the entire history of activity in the cyber domain of the Website.




  • www.CoffeeService.am Website, pages belonging to the Website on various social networking platforms (Facebook: CoffeePlus.am / Instagram: CoffeePlus.am / Twitter: CoffeePlusArm / Pinterest: CoffeePlusArm / LinkedIn: Coffee-Plus-Am), Website Software Solutions , as well as all the Intellectual Property of the Website belong to “COFFEE PLUS” LLC (Address: RA, Yerevan, Bashinjaghyan 1-st Street, Building 5, Apt. 18, 0078) under the principle of exclusive rights, are it’s property and are under his sole management.
  • All types of solid and non-solid assets resulting from the operation of the www.CoffeeService.am website belong exclusively to “COFFEE PLUS” LLC and are its property.
  • www.CoffeeService.am Website, Website Business Model, Website Conceptual Solutions, Website Content, Software Solutions and Intellectual Property, designed and prepared by “FORMAT CONSULTING” Company, on the order of “COFFEE PLUS” LLC.
  • “COFFEE PLUS” LLC reserves to “FORMAT CONSULTING” Company the right to carry out technical maintenance, management and control of the www.CoffeeService.am website, in particular to ensure uninterrupted and normal operation of the website, website security, software solutions, new content design and implementation, regular updating of the Website, management of pages belonging to the Website on various social networking platforms, as well as ensuring the security of Users’ Personal Data.
  • “COFFEE PLUS” LLC, the owner of the Website, bears limited liability in connection with the Website’s activities, in the amount of assets related to the Website and generated within the Website’s activities.
  • The website www.CoffeeService.am and the owner of the website “COFFEE PLUS” LLC are not responsible for the possible consequences caused by force majeure situations related to the operation of the website.



  • All kinds of problems, controversial issues and disputes related to the operation of the website can be resolved with the website, representatives of the website or the owner of the website directly by contacting the website by any of the possible and available ways.
  • In the event of the impossibility of solving any type of problems, problematic issues, disputes and controversies directly related to the operation of the Website, with the Website representatives or the Website owner, they are subject to liquidation in the RA court, the European court or the USA court in accordance with the procedures of the above-mentioned relevant Laws.



  • This Agreement regulates the relationship between www.CoffeeService.am Website and Users.
  • This Agreement defines the rights and obligations of the Site and Users.
  • This Agreement is the “Terms and Conditions” for the use of the Website. The Agreement together with the “Privacy Policy” (see: “PRIVACY POLICY”) constitute the “Site Rules”.
  • This Agreement may be modified, edited, supplemented and updated.
  • By using the www.CoffeeService.am Website, the User agrees to all definitions, clauses, provisions and conditions of the Website Regulations (“Privacy Policy”, “Terms and Conditions”).


Version 03 / Revision 02

Updated on: 21 April 2023
