By using www.CoffeeService.am Website, Website content, all types of services provided by the Website, you agree to all definitions, clauses, provisions and conditions of the Website’s “Regulations” (“Terms and Conditions”, “Privacy Policy”). Please read the “Regulations” of the Website completely and carefully. If you do not agree with any definition, clause, provision or condition of the “Regulations” of the Website, we advise you not to use the www.CoffeeService.am Website.




A-1What data is collected?

  • When using the www.CoffeeService.am website, the Website may collect a number of Personal Data related to the Users, such as, for example, the User’s Name, the User’s Surname, the User’s Business Address, the User’s Phone Number, the User’s E-mail Address, the History of the User’s Activity on the Website, and Messages and Comments left by the User on Pages Belonging to the Site on Various Social Network Platforms.


A-2When and how is data collected?

  • When subscribing to website news, the following Personal Data of the User may be requested and collected: User’s Name, User’s Surname, User’s Business Address, User’s Phone Number, User’s Email Address.
  • When leaving Messages or Comments on the Website or on various Social Networking Platforms pages belonging to the Website, the following Personal Data of the User may be automatically collected by the Website: User Name, Username on various Social Networking Platforms owned by the User, Messages and Comments left by the User.



B-1What data is stored?

  • www.CoffeeService.am Website may store a variety of Personal Data collected from Users, such as User Name, User Surname, User Business Address, User Phone Number, User Email Address, User Activity History on the Website, and various Messages and Comments left by the User on Pages Belonging to the Site on Social Network Platforms.


B-2How and for how long is collected data stored?

  • The Personal Data received from the User can be stored by the Website through Special Software Security in the Website’s Server System for up to 3 (three) months after the User’s last interaction with the Website, after which they are automatically subject to destruction.



C-1How secure is the data collected and stored?

  • www.CoffeeService.am The website uses the “Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL) cyber security protocol for the cryptocoding of User activity on the website. Personal Data downloaded to the cyber domain of the Website is directly encrypted and controlled by that Software.
  • www.CoffeeService.am Website’s Cyber Security Software Assurance level fully meets all modern Cyber Security standards and requirements.


C-2: What method is used to ensure data security?

  • Personal Data of Users acquired by the website have a Two-Level Protection System. They are: SSL Cyber Security Special Software Protocol for Online Mode and Server Special Security Software for Long-Term Data Storage Mode.



D-1For what purpose is the collected data used?

  • Personal Data of Users collected by the Website can be used for the following purposes: Improving the Website, Improving the Quality of the Services Provided, Ensuring Cyber Security, Increasing the Flexibility of the Search System, Offering Matched or Personalized Products, Market Research, Testing New Products and Services, Providing Advertising and Special Offers, Conducting Statistical Analysis, Site Traffic Analysis, etc.


D-2How is collected data used?

  • Users’ Personal Data collected by the Website may be used in the following ways: through Databases, through Special Analytical Programs, Methods and Technologies, through Various Marketing Programs and Channels, through Cyber Security Programs, Web Applications and Tools, etc.



E-1What kind of data may not be disclosed?

  • Except for the special cases mentioned below, the Site cannot disclose a number of Personal Data related to Users, such as, for example, User’s Name and Surname, User’s Business Address, User’s Phone Number, Email Address and User’s Activity History.
  • The Website, Website Owner, Website Creators, Website Representatives and Website Maintenance Staff for the security of the User’s Personal Data disclosed to the public and made publicly available by the User or any third party and for their use by third parties in any way and for all possible consequences arising from such use they bear no responsibility.


E-2What are the guarantees of non-disclosure of collected data?

  • Guarantees of non-disclosure of personal data of users obtained by the Site are the relevant laws of the Republic of Armenia, the European Union and the United States of America (RA Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights (RA), General Data Protection Regulation (EU), California Consumer Privacy Act (USA), California Online Privacy Protection Act (USA)), within the framework of which and in accordance with them the www.CoffeeService.am Website operates. The Website is responsible for the security of Users’ Personal Data in accordance with the mentioned Laws with all the assets created as a result of the operation of the Website and owned by the Website, digital and physical.



F-1What data may be disclosed or excluded?

  • In some special cases, Personal Data of Users obtained by the Website may be disclosed or alienated by the Website. Such data is, for example, the User’s First Name, Last Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email Address and Activity History.


F-2To whom and in what cases can the collected data be disclosed or alienated?

The User’s Personal Data may be transferred by the Site to Law Enforcement Officers or Law Enforcement Authorities in the following cases:

  • When the User is suspected of any crime by the Law Enforcement Bodies, is under investigation, is involved in a criminal case as an accused, when his Cyber Activity is necessary to bring him into custody, to collect details about the criminal case or for his search and discovery. In this case, the Website may provide the User’s Personal Data to the above-mentioned Bodies or Structures in the event of the presence of relevant special decisions issued by the courts of the Republic of Armenia, the EU or the USA, in accordance with the relevant Laws of the Republic of Armenia, the EU or the USA on the “Protection of Users’ Rights” (RA Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights ( RA), General Data Protection Regulation (EU), California Consumer Privacy Act (USA), California Online Privacy Protection Act (USA), Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (USA)).
  • When the User violates the Site’s charter and encroached on the Site, Site Property, Site Assets, Site Intellectual Property, Site Creators, Site Owners, Site Representatives, Site Maintenance Staff and other Users. In this case, the User’s Personal Data may be alienated by the Website to the above-mentioned Bodies or Structures without informing or notifying the User, in accordance with the relevant Laws of the Republic of Armenia, the EU and the USA (RA Law on Intellectual Property and Related Rights (RA), Copyright Law of the United States (USA), Digital Millennium Copyright Act (USA)).
  • When Users’ Email Addresses and Phone Numbers are needed by Advertising Companies cooperating with the Website or other Websites to provide Users with Special Advertising Offers.


Version 03 / Revision 02

Updated on: 21 April 2023
