By using www.CoffeeService.am Website, Website content, all types of services provided by the Website, you agree to all definitions, clauses, provisions and conditions of the Website’s “Regulations” (“Terms and Conditions”, “Privacy Policy”). Please read the “Regulations” of the Website completely and carefully. If you do not agree with any definition, clause, provision or condition of the “Regulations” of the Website, we advise you not to use the www.CoffeeService.am Website.

The Website www.CoffeeService.am , Website Content and Website activities are protected by the following Laws:


  • “Law on Intellectual Property and Related Rights”, Republic of Armenia,
  • “Copyright Law of the United States”, United States of America,
  • “Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)”, United States of America.


The activity of the site www.CoffeeService.am is coordinated and implemented by the Laws mentioned below:


  • “Law of Protection of Consumer Rights”, Republic of Armenia,

  • “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)”, European Union,
  • “California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)”, United States of America, California,
  • “California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)”, United States of America, California,
  • “Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act”, United States of America, California.


All Third Party Photos used on the www.CoffeeService.am Website are not the property of the Website and belong exclusively to their Respected Creators and Legal Owners, being their property.


All Third Party photos used on the www.CoffeeService.am website are protected by the applicable Legislation on Intellectual Property Rights.


www.CoffeeService.am Website and the Website Owner do not claim any type of ownership or other rights, including being creator, owner, copyright or co-authorship, to any Third Party photo used on the Website.


All Third Party photos used on the www.CoffeeService.am website are used exclusively for cognitive, notification, informational and educational purposes and are not used for any profit.


Any illegal use of Third Party photos used on the www.CoffeeService.am website by the Users is not encouraged and is strictly prohibited by the relevant Legislation on Website Management and Intellectual Property Rights.


The Website, Website Creators, Website Maintenance Staff, Website Representatives and Website Owner are not responsible for any illegal use by Users of Third Party photos used on the website www.CoffeeService.am and any for any legal consequences arising from it.


All Third Party Trademarks mentioned on www.CoffeeService.am Website, including their Logos and Names are not the property of the Website, belong exclusively to their Respected Legal Owners and are protected by the applicable Legislation on Intellectual Property Rights.։


www.CoffeeService.am Website and the Website Owner are not in any way related and not associated with the Third Party Brands and Companies mentioned on the Website, are not the exclusive or official representative or owner of these Brands.


The use of all Third Party Trademarks on the www.CoffeeService.am website is for cognitive, informative and informational purposes only and is not for any profit.


Any illegal use by Users of the Third Party Brands used on www.CoffeeService.am Website is not encouraged and is strictly prohibited by the relevant Legislation on Website Management and Intellectual Property Rights.


www.CoffeeService.am Website, Website Creators, Website Maintenance Staff, Website Representatives and Website Owner are not responsible for any illegal use by Users of Third Party Brands used on the Website and for any legal consequences arising from it.


All Text and Video Content posted by the Website on the www.CoffeeService.am website and on various social network platforms are the Intellectual Property of the www.CoffeeService.am website and belong to the Owner of the Website under the principle of Copyright and are protected by the applicable Intellectual Property Laws and Legislation.


www.CoffeeService.am Website Logo, Website Graphic Solutions and Functional Unique Solutions of the Website are the Intellectual Property of www.CoffeeService.am Website Owner, belong to him and are protected by the relevant Legislation on Intellectual Property Rights.


www.CoffeeService.am Website Logo, as well as www.CoffeeService.am Domain Name are Registered Trademarks.


Illegal use of www.CoffeeService.am Site Intellectual Property by Users is not encouraged and is strictly prohibited by the Site Administration and the relevant Legislation on Intellectual Property Rights.


Users bear direct and full responsibility for the legal consequences arising from any illegal use of the Website and Third Party Intellectual Property used on the www.CoffeeService.am website and various social networking platforms.


Version 03 / Revision 02

Updated on: 21 April 2023
